Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Nitwit of the Day

Dear Adam Radwanski:

Do you really, seriously, hand on your heart believe that the fact that Stephane Dion's televised speech last night had poor video quality tells us something important about his ability to lead a coalition government?

If not, why do you want Canadians to believe it?

I'm aware this sounds trivial. It's not.

Oh good, glad you cleared that up then.

It's probably unfair to blame Radwanski in particular. If you assume that the voting public are complete idiots, and that your job is to give that idiocy voice and direction rather than to encourage more informed reflection, then it follows that raising idiotic criticisms of politicians is an essential part of your job. And it's hard to find a columnist who doesn't seem committed to those assumptions, bizarre though they may be.

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